Our Gentle Grooming salons in our Chester and Livingston stores offer one on one premium grooming services!
Our groomers are not only very talented but also love dogs and make sure that your dog has only a positive experience.
Click here to schedule an appointment: wellbredonline.com/booking
At Well Bred, we take your dog well-being seriously and we only hire compassionate groomers who will give the same care and love to your dog like that they would give their own. We strive to provide the best possible experience for your dog while at our care.
Our service is one on one and we take dogs by appointment only and let you know 15 minutes prior that your dog is ready for pickup so your dog doesn't have to be kenneled or sit in a crate for ours.
We follow AKC. S.A.F.E Certification requirements in both our salons.
Regular Grooming and Baths:
Full Groom/Full Service - includes: custom premium haircut, oxygen infused bath, blow-dry, brush-out, nail trim/dremel, ear cleaning, Basic de-shedding if needed. Conditioner, if needed. This doesn't include show grooming.
NO HEAVY DE-SHEDDING included. Additional charges for de-matting, extra de-shedding and extra time may apply. The price is an estimate only.
Bath & Trim - includes: mini trim whatever is needed (sanitary, paw/feet or feathers), oxygen infused bath, blow-dry, brush-out, nail trim/dremel , ear cleaning. Basic de-shedding if needed, conditioner if needed.
NO TRIM, NO HEAVY DE-SHEDDING included. Additional charges for trimming, extra de-matting, extra de-shedding and any extra time apply. The price is an estimate only.
Specialty services:
Full Service with De-Shedding for Very Heavy Coat Breeds - includes: oxygen infused bath, blow-dry, proper de-shedding for very heavy coat, brush-out, coat trim, nail trim/dremel, ear cleaning conditioner, if needed.
Additional charges for extra-time may apply. The price is an estimate only.
Full Service with Hand Stripping for Wire Coated Terriers - (done by Casper only) includes: hand stripping of coat, appropriate for the breed, oxygen infused bath, blow-dry, brush-out, nail trim/dremel, ear cleaning, Basic de-shedding if needed, conditioner, if needed.
Additional charges for extra time may apply. The price is an estimate only.
Full Service - Preparation for conformation show - dony by Casper only. For this service please email us or call the salon. The online prices do not apply.
Special Discounts:
10% off - Bath and Mini Bath Service within 2 weeks from previous service
10% off - Full Service within 4 weeks from previous service.
Matted dogs:
It's painful for dogs to have mats and to have them removed.
We highly recommend that you brush out your dog a couple of times a week and try to work out smaller mats. You can buy products at Well Bred that will help you to keep your dog in a proper condition.
- While we are happy to remove small mats, we won’t de-mat any dog if it will take more than 10 min.
- If your dog has severe mats, it may even be difficult to even shave your dog, so we will have to take extra time to do it and there will be additional charges for it depending on how much time it takes.
Extra De-matting require additional time and are subject to additional charges.
Extra De-shedding require additional time and are subject to additional charges.
Extra-Care - if your dog require special handling due to its condition, state or behavior that increases the time of grooming, additional charges will apply.
Late Pickup is a subject to additional charges.
How we calculate the price
- The price depends on how much efforts and works it takes to bath, prepare the coat and groom your dog. We are transparent about our prices and you can see them in our booking program.
- Your dog's actual size, coat texture and coat condition as well how she is acting during grooming defines how much time it takes us to groom her.
- If your has mats, or hasn't been groomed for long or she is anxious, it takes us more time to groom her. We have to charge for that extra time in addition to basic price.
- Make sure you take your dog potty before grooming. If we have to re-wash and re-dry your dog, we will have to charge additionally for that time.
- Due to the nature of pet grooming, all prices quoted by phone or by the groomer prior to actually grooming your pet, are only estimates.